Annual Report Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23)
A message from our CEO
Also, thanks to your incredible support, we funded 13 new research projects this year, focused on childhood cancer, blood cancer, gynaecological cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, oesophageal adenocarcinoma, melanoma, and immunotherapy. The response to our grants program was immense, with over a hundred applicants, highlighting how important it is to support emerging researchers.
Your incredible support has been the key to all of these triumphs. You helped us dream bigger and aim higher. Knowing that you're a part of this inspiring community makes us proud and keeps us motivated to work towards a better future for those affected by cancer. Thank you for making 2023 an amazing year.
Nikki Kinloch
Cure Cancer CEO
What your support means
Our Tax Appeal raised over $87,000 this year, our highest ever. We could not be more grateful to share Buzz Wilson's story for this campaign.
Diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia at 19, Buzz underwent a groundbreaking clinical trial where he worked closely with Dr Ashley Ng, a previous Cure Cancer grant recipient.
Our goal as an organisation is to shape a future where stories like Buzz's are commonplace, where cancer isn't seen as a death sentence.
Buzz Wilson
Game On Cancer fundraiser
Acute lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) survivor
Dr Ashley Ng
Blood cancer researcher
2011 Cure Cancer grant recipient
- Buzz Wilson
“Being funded by Cure Cancer was one of the things that allowed me to continue with my research. If researchers don't get additional funding after their PhDs, they may end up leaving the field and they won't be able to make discoveries that will benefit patients.”
- Dr Ashley Ng
The achievements you have made possible in FY23
Total fundraising revenue and donations
Revenue by campaign FY23
A snapshot of some of the projects you have helped fund
The institutes we work with
We partner with the best research institutions in the country to ensure our researchers are given the greatest opportunity for success.
Number of projects funded by state
Cancer types funded since 1967
Top 10 cancer types
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