Workplace giving

What is workplace giving?

Over the past 15 years, thanks to the generosity of employees giving through pay we have raised over half million, equating to 10,000 hours of vital research.

Workplace giving - sometimes referred to as payroll giving - is a no-fuss way of supporting Cure Cancer in funding emerging cancer researchers.

As a workplace donor, you can make a regular, pre-tax donation to Cure Cancer directly from your pay.

Choose a donation amount that’s right for you, which will come out of your pay every pay cycle. Because the tax deduction on your donation happens immediately, you don’t need to worry about collecting receipts throughout the year. Your donation total is included in the annual pay summary your employer provides, so once it’s set up you don’t have to worry about a thing!

Why implement workplace giving?

Workplace giving is a win-win for all stakeholders and allows a tax deduction through your payroll.


  • Reduces staff turn over and cost savings to the bottom line
  • Increase employee engagement
  • Drive positive culture
  • High impact, low cost community investment


  • Job satisfaction
  • Proud of employer
  • Find greater purpose in work
  • Tax effective giving
  • Convenience
  • Income not wasted

Your impact

  • Every dollar matters, when you make a work place donation, your impact builds up over time.
  • A reliable income means we can plan ahead and commit to long-term research projects which have the biggest impact to help cure cancer.

The impact of your workplace giving

Example Donation

Workplace Giving Infographic

How to get started

Check with your Human Resources or Finance Department to see if your employer already has payroll/workplace giving program in place.

  • Workplace giving program already in place? Great – ask them to sign you up with Cure Cancer as the recipient

  • No workplace giving program in place? No worries! Sign in to the Good2Give Workplace Giving Platform and donate to us through there, or head to GoodCompany, and check out their easy sign up page, as well resources and calculators to find the right amount for you

Still have questions? Give our friendly team a call on 1300 134 567 or email 

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