Bobbin Head Cruising Club


BHCC - Making a Difference - Sunday 10th March

BHCC is hosting a BarbeCURE to fund vital research to find a cure for people with cancer.

The Bobbin Head Cruising Club has a constitutional objective to hold an annual fundraiser. Last year the Club was recognised by Cure Cancer with an Inspire Award as well as the Community Ambassador Award.

The more people that know about Cure Cancer, the greater their impact, so please spread the word by sharing this page with your friends and family.

Thank you to our Sponsors




Auction Proceeds




Raffle Ticket Sales


Simon Tate




Robert Woodrow

Thank you, one and all for participating in making your donation a double impact!


Prime Movers


4x4 Auction


Allprint Graphics

In memory of our many friends, family, and staff who have battled this awful disease. Let's get behind research into a potential cure!



Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time (it) will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us all continue do good.


Blinky Bill

You’ve got a friend Ain’t it good to know .


Millboard Decking

What a wonderful crew of lovely people supporting very good works


John Dennis

Well done John M.


Daryl Bates

A great cause! Wishing BHCC the very best for achieving its target.


Bruce & Ngaire Callaghan

Hi Ross Lovely that you are prepared to back our club with matching Donations. Therefore I we are happy to know our donation will grow by supporting your page. Thank you for the initiative.


Geotherm Australasia


Woodevo Decking

Happy to support a boat full of wonderful generous people with big hearts delivering results for a great cause.








R Mcalpine


Anthony Grabs


Scott & Genevieve Andresson

Such a great cause


Ross Browning

Dear friends I’m going to make a personal pledge to you all to contribute a dollar for every dollar we receive on this page up to $5000.00


Garry & Christine Hobson

Thanks to BHCC for considering to be a charitable donor and to the organisers of this fabulous event


Bruce & Ngaire Callaghan

Marine was a great leader in the community at Empire Marina. Sadly missed but a lovely way to ensure we remember how she touched many people both in the club and marine precinct.



When vessels contribute so much not only in effort but also by name.. Great work from a vessel that has such a big heart



Times like these makes it even more important that invest in cancer research. Let's all get on board and make a difference



Never underestimate what a team can achieve. Let's all get behind cancer research and raise the bar



How better can we help others by contributing to cancer research. Keep up the good work OSHO



Hopefully by us investing in cancer research we will DESIGN some great outcomes so future generations don't have to deal with this hideous disease.



May the Silver Mist sprinkle on us all to continue to give generously to invest in cancer research.




Jenny Turley


James Loughhead

Our thoughts are with Robert and the family on this special day as we remember and pay tribute to the life of Myrene.


Peter Stuart




Morgans Foundation

Well done Debbie & Greg on your fundraising efforts. From Morgans Balmain and the Morgans Foundation.


Millie, Sammy, Isabelle, Clare & Brett

Have fun on the water!


John Mcarthur


Ric Bouvier


Greg Lions


Grant Cunningham

Always smiling, always happy, a lovely lady to have known.


Robert Quickenden


Gary Donaldson


Maria Mcdougall


Jude & Mike Dedman

Well done !!


Wayne Johnston


Steve Rayward


Stuart Busd


Sarah Bovington


Garry Hobson




Robert Kavo

Glad to help make a difference


Maximum Effort

Proud to be part of this great cause.


Grant Cunningham


Scott Leavers


Anne Johnstone


Daryl Holland

Proud to be supporting this most worthy cause again!


Roy Bowyer

It is so wonderful that the family of past and present members are so supportive of this cause.


Waterhouse Family


Meila, Lucy And Remi Sturt

Go Nanny and Grandad! Xx


Brenda Donnelly


Selina And Anthony Sork

A wonderful cause Deb. Sending love to you and your beautiful family in memory of your wonderful mum. ❤️


Jodie Sparrow

First email with a High Importance flag 😂😂


Frances Diane Brotherton





Tonj Williams


Juliet Mcloughlin


Barbara Breed


Lynda Hart


Karina And James Richter

Thanks for a fabulous day raising money for this worthy cause


Anna Squire

Well done, John.




Gareth Yates

Don’t burn the snags Greg, a great cause close to my


Ross Browning


Murray Cook

Great cause John


Stacey Hinton


Lynda Hart


Rebecca Want

This is a great cause John. Thanks for your kindness in supporting this charity.


Fiona Neville


Nigel Gorham


Barbara H

Research does change lives for the better.....


Timber Distributors

We salute the crew of OSHO for their effort and leadership for this worthy cause.


Juliette Pearce

Sending lots of love and yes we do need to find a cure to cancer. We are all so affected by


Elyse A

Great cause!!


Robert Dianne Seeney

A tangible way to remember a beautiful lady.


Vanessa Bingley

Myrene was a truly beautiful person. Her love for life and her family and friends was truly inspiring.


Andrew Betts


Louise Sparkes

What a beautiful, fun loving, person Myrene was. She could cook more on her boat than many do in their homes . Robert - you’re both in my thoughts, always.


Wayne And Jenny Lodge

Keep up the good work!


Raphaelle Guerineau

Hi John, it was good to meet at the ARA board meeting last week. I am happy to support your great cause.


Sara & Jez

Such a great cause!! Let’s find the cure


Narla Hamill


Nick And Christina


Robert Alder

Well-done Ross!


Pollyanna Clayton

A wonderful cause!!


Alison Tovey


Jennifer Lodge


Rita Giurastante

Congratulations Dr Heather Murray




Laraine Kelly



Remembering all the fun times we enjoyed in the lovely times we shared. 🌹🌹❤️❤️🌹🌹


Pel Berdoukas

Sending lots of kove


Lauren Jones

Good on you Deb